We measure our success in smiles!


“I like all R friends !!!!!!!!” – Dusty (sent in an email – exclamation point’s not exagerated!!!! 🙂 )
“i have been here almose 2 years and it has been a lot (of) fun. ihave leard alot sicen i have been here i also been able (to) meet new friends.” – Lisa
“all R friends is a nice place to meet new friends and have a good time” – Donna
“Having people around you is the greatest feeling of all. Especially people that you love and respect. People like all R friends. I think one of the reasons I respect people at all R friends is because they respect me. I guess what I’m trying to say is that I love all R friends and I would not change going there for any reason because going there means a lot to me!” – Kaley
“I love you guys! I really like your hugs and your sweet words.” – Kareena
“I’m happy because it puts me in a good mood being at all R friends, because I have new friends.” – Liz
“I like to be here too, with all R friends. I love to (be) going to all R friends.” – Aaron
“I enjoy the program so much. I enjoy being with everyone.” – Lynn
“I like (to) come here because it’s fun. I like playing games and making new friends.” – Stacey
“Thank you all R friends” – Jovan
“I like to be here a lot. Thanks for starting a great program. Thanks for having blasts and having great parties” – Courtney
“I like all R friends. I have a good time with you guys. Stay sweet. I like the water park because I like it and it’s fun.” – Kellie
“Dear all R friends, Thank you! I like it very much. I love you lots” – April
“I like to come to all R friends and go on outings.” – Kate
“You are all the greatest as a staff, as people, as friends” – Paul
“I want to come back here tomorrow” – Lisa
“I love coming every day, because to me we are a family.” – Andy A