Site Directors:

Site Director
Nicole has been working for all R friends since 2013 and been the Director of the Gahanna location since 2016. Nicole grew up in the small town of Hubbard, Oh and is the youngest of 4 children. Her Father was the Police Chief of their town and her Mom was a Nurse. Growing up with parents that served others always gave Nicole the heart to do so as well. Her love for this field has always been a passion as far back as she can remember. Growing up a Hubbard Eagle, Nicole spent her study hall periods in Middle school helping the preschool kids at the program provided at the High school. One particular boy named Andrew stole her heart! Andrew had CP and used a cane to walk. At only 5 years old, his love for life and sweet soul set a fire to Nicole that always burned for Individuals with disabilities. Growing up with a sibling that was diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy, Nicole spent most of her childhood and teenage years helping her sister navigate life not limiting her due to her disability. This sibling, Michelle showed Nicole that even with a disability, a positive attitude and determination will not stop you from achieving your goals. Michelle now has her doctrate and is a professor at Wright state University and the mother of 18 year old twins.
After working for a bank in Youngstown for over 10 years, Nicole moved to Columbus to be closer to her now husband and decided she needed a complete change and wanted to be doing something where she felt she was making a difference. She knows God took over from that point. all R friends was brought to her attention, and she immediately applied. At her interview she fondly remembers saying to Kathy and Ryan, “I know on paper I may not look like I have the experience, but I promise you if you give me a chance I will show you how much I belong here”. In 2013, Nicole was hired on as a Participant Supervisor at our Gahanna location and later promoted to site Director.

Assistant Director
Early in life, Sarah found joy in serving others. The oldest of 11 siblings, all raised in the Columbus area, Sarah demonstrated her nurturing ways in her role as second mother to them. Starting her career first in retail management, Sarah sought after a more meaningful career, when starting a family of her own. After being introduced to all R friends at a local job fair in 2014, Sarah knew she had found her niche. Sarah quickly fell in love with the individuals and the company after starting the role of a Participant Supervisor at the Gahanna location in 2014. It didn’t take long for her to know that working with people who have developmental disabilities was her passion.
With serious dedication, loyalty, and hard work, she excelled in her role and was passionate about helping her co-workers be successful. In 2023 she was promoted to the Assistant Director of the Gahanna location. Since starting with the company, Sarah feels her life has truly been enhanced by the joy and love that everyone at all R friends brings. Her favorite project thus far has been in sharing her acquired stage and musicianship experience with the individuals in preparation of the annual Christmas Performances. In her free time, Sarah enjoys singing and performing with the Gahanna Community Chorus, sharing time with The Lord and His Word, her two children, her family, and many friends.