Grove City
Site Directors:

Site Director
Susan joined all R friends in March of 2018. After several years as a participant supervisor, she was promoted to the assistant director of Upper Arlington, then soon after, the Director of the Grove City site. She started her journey working with individuals with special needs her junior year in high school. Throughout her career she has worked as an activity therapist, a supervisor in assisted living homes, a trainer for an ICF, along with working as an independent provider for several years. Susan has always said that she did not choose this career, it chose her! She has a passion for the work she does. To quote Susan, “I love coming to work, and it not feeling like a job at all. I hope I am able to make a difference in someone’s life. The friends have made me a better person and for that, I am forever grateful. When I found all R friends, I found my home, and my purpose.”

Assistant Director
While Ashley was growing up, an extended family member with developmental disabilities, lived with her family. She helped care for him over the years, and continues to do so today. This drove her passionate for helping others and caring for individuals with disabilities. It is her passion to assist when and wherever needed, to make sure they each have a great day while also being cared for. They all have a special place in her heart. Ashley has been in the field for 13 years and has worked at all R friends since 2018. She started as a participant supervisor and became the Assistant Director of Grove City in 2020. Before her time at all R friends, she worked for several years as a transportation dispatcher and at a group home for individuals with disabilities. As Ashley puts it, “I wouldn’t want to be anywhere other than all R friends.”